Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Starting Out

I suppose any writer starts this way -- searching for a topic, looking for an audience . . . and here I am. It's possible, of course, that no audience will announce itself, so I'll just do what other journal-ists do: address myself to that Anonymous Other.
Anne Frank wrote "Dear Kitty" in her journal. I'll avoid cats here and just say "Dear You."

So, You.
It was Alexis, my grand-daughter, who posed the question. "How do you make a blog, Grandpa?" She is about to take a cross-country trip with her family, and I'm providing her with some stamped, self-addressed stationery so that she can let me know what she is experiencing as she sees the USA. Her father has a laptop and will stop at some "hot spots" to do his work en route, so perhaps she can also create a blog and take a minute here and there to do her reporting to the world at large.
After all, if I can do this at age 65, what can a 13-year-old do? (Answer: in the area of technology, many, many things!)

I've called my blog Literally Littrell. I like to think I'm literate, so it's a kind of pun. Do you see that, Dear You? It will also suggest to me each time I pause for words to try to be literal as well as literate.
It's past the middle of May. And that's it for today.

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